Cairo Association of Teachers - Newsletter

CAT Tracks for March 3, 1998
Enough is Enough!

Unfortunately, the glimmer of hope for productive negotiations has waned!

At our last negotiations session on January 27th, the Board negotiating team (the two that bothered to show up!) told us that they needed to meet with the full Board prior to making us an offer--an offer that we saw as a possible break-through. We told them at the table that we would give them that opportunity--at the Special Meeting held on February 11th or (if not possible) the regular meeting on February 18th. We asked them to discuss possible negotiations dates and to notify us as to when they would be able to meet--the sooner the better . Your team even sent them a reminder on February 17th to discuss dates at their meeting and to notify us of those dates.

They held their February 11th meeting AND their February 18th meeting. Your team waited for their response--and waited--and waited . . .

Finally, on Friday, February 27th--exactly ONE MONTH AFTER OUR LAST SESSION --we received their response. And what was that response? What is the date of the next negotiations session? Their letter states: "The board negotiation team wishes to request some suggested meeting dates from YOUR negotiating team. Please send me the dates your team could meet and AS SOON AS THE BOARD TEAM CAN CHOOSE ONE, we will get back to you." (And I wonder what month that might be?!)

We find this insulting and further evidence that the Board is not taking these negotiations seriously. These negotiations began on May 19, 1997 and the Board (BOTH old and new) have stalled at every point. They contemptuously schedule dates and then do NOT show--or at best send one Board member--and then claim that they have no authority to negotiate without consulting the full Board.

Therefore, your team has decided to take the following action:

Rest assured that your team will do everything within its power to avoid what has become an apparent attempt by the Cairo Board of Education to force us into a strike. They still evidently harbor grudges from the prolonged 1994 strike. During that strike, they tried--UNSUCCESSFULLY--to break the union . Instead of abandoning that failed strategy--instead of sitting down with us in a spirit of cooperation rather than confrontation--the Board continues their BAD FAITH NEGOTIATIONS with the CAT. We had hoped that the ULP findings against the District--in both the CAT AND the CAESP cases--would have shown them the error of their ways. But--stubborn defiance prevails!

Rest assured that YOU, THE MEMBERSHIP will decide our future course of action by majority vote. You expressed an interest in mediation, and we are requesting that service for our next session. The "intent to strike" notice is a requirement of Illinois labor law when the parties have filed a joint deferral of mediation in the past--which we did LAST SEPTEMBER! Almost 6 months later, the Board continues to play games. Filing the "intent to strike" notice restores that option--unfortunately, the only option that the Cairo Board of Education seems to understand.

Your team will continue to deal with a reluctant Board of Education in hopes of reaching tentative agreement on a successor agreement. We will continue to keep you informed at every step of the process. Your team thanks you for your continuing support and asks that you remain hopeful, strong and united!

We know that you are frustrated with the delays inflicted upon us by the Board. The community appreciates your patience. We can only hope that the Cairo Board of Education will FINALLY set aside vindictiveness and pettiness. IT IS TIME for the Board to sit down with us as professionals and work out a long-term agreement which will restore much needed peace and stability to Cairo School District Number One.