Cairo Association of Teachers - Newsletter

CAT Tracks for October 14, 1999


The CAT Bargaining Team met with the Board Team for approximately two hours on Tuesday night. The first concern presented by CAT was an inquiry as to how time missed by teachers would be handled. It is the CAT's position that NO TEACHER SHOULD BE "DOCKED" (SALARY OR SICK DAYS) for time missed due to exposure to toxic fumes. The Board's Team indicated that they would check with their attorney and report back to us on Friday afternoon--the next scheduled bargaining session. The Superintendent did indicate that the District had been in contact with Workman's Comp and that medical bills incurred by teachers due to exposure would be paid by them.

In order to completely address this issue, the CAT NEEDS TO KNOW: WHAT TEACHERS HAVE MISSED WORK (ALL DAY OR PART OF A DAY) AND WHAT TEACHERS HAVE SOUGHT MEDICAL ATTENTION RELATED TO TOXIC-FUME EXPOSURE AT CHS? PLEASE GIVE THIS INFORMATION TO RON NEWELL BY THE CLOSE OF SCHOOL ON FRIDAY, OCTOBER 15th. (We understand that this is an on-going situation, but please provide any such instances that have occurred up to this point.)

The next issue raised was the projected length of time until reoccupancy of the Cairo High School building. As many of you know, the CHS building suffered extensive water damage last weekend due to the heavy rains that struck our area. The new roof had NOT been properly sealed and leaked badly--in old and new places. It now appears that all carpeting will have to be replaced. The Board Team gave us the answer that we had feared--probably January at the earliest!

So...our temporary, 2 to 5 week inconvenience has become a MAJOR PROBLEM! We indicated to the Board Team that what was "tolerable" for a few weeks could/would be INTOLERABLE for a semester/year. They indicated their understanding that the current solution was NOT GOOD and their receptiveness to an alternative, better solution. They promised to work with the CAT (and others) in exploring other avenues. They also agreed to a continuous monitoring of the situation to address concerns that may arise.

IF YOU HAVE ANY IDEAS OF A BETTER SOLUTION, PLEASE LET US KNOW! DO YOU KNOW OF OTHER LOCATIONS? (We currently have at least 6 and as many as 9 classes sitting in the gym each period. Obviously, this is NOT a productive, educational environment!) DO YOU HAVE ANY CREATIVE SCHEDULING IDEAS? (The current schedule--which allowed us to get back to school and would have been "tolerable" for 2 to 5 weeks--is taking its toll on students and teachers.)

We did bring up concerns given to us in response to the survey of members conducted last week. The Board Team agreed to correct some of the problems: The CHS copier will be brought to CJHS; more supplies/materials will be brought to CJHS--including equipment, books and materials for the Accelerated Reader and Math programs; short breaks will be arranged for teachers due to the longer periods; clarifications will be made to address the handling of discipline problems, especially at 6th grade. The Board Team "sympathized" on other concerns, but indicated that they did NOT see what could be done to alleviate the problem under the current conditions. AGAIN--IF YOU KNOW OF ALTERNATIVE SOLUTIONS--PLEASE MAKE YOUR IDEAS KNOWN!

One specific issue that was addressed/resolved was the use of (new, double-length) planning periods. You may continue to use your planning period as you have done in the past. Specifically at question: If I need to use my planning period to go to the doctor or attend to other obligations, may I do so or will I be docked for a half-day sick leave? The answer: You MAY do so and YOU WILL NOT BE DOCKED. Therefore, you do NOT need to sign an absentee form.

If you have concerns that have NOT been addressed, please make that concern known to your building representative or to Ron Newell. AGAIN--this is an on-going process and adjustments are possible. HOWEVER--we cannot address issues of which we are unaware! These are trying times...all of us--staff and students--are on edge and unhappy to various degrees. Sharing your concerns may help relieve stress AND hopefully may bring about a change for the better--for you and others.


Our next bargaining session is tomorrow afternoon at 4 p.m. We will hear the Board attorney's decision concerning the handling of time missed by employees due to exposure to toxic fumes. It will also be an opportunity to present alternative solutions or raise new concerns. PLEASE...HELP US HELP YOU...COMMUNICATE!!!