Cairo Association of Teachers - Newsletter

CAT Tracks for March 14, 2000
First Bargaining Session

Bargaining teams for the Association and the Board of Education met for three hours last night. The time was spent in exploring the financial status of the District and initial proposals by the Board for reducing expenditures for the 2000-2001 School Year.

The two teams exchanged financial data which at first glance were very much opposed. When the Board team asked where we had gotten our figures, we showed them that we were USING THE DISTRICT'S OWN TREASURER'S REPORTS. These documents clearly show that CSD #1 has maintained a balance of approximately $1 million during the past few years. It is only recently--especially during the past four months--that the District's investments and cash balance have plummeted. The Board team has yet to explain why this has occurred. Each team stated that it would study the figures presented by the other side in preparation for the next bargaining session.

The remainder of the time was spent discussing staffing requirements for the coming school year. Most of the focus was on reducing positions at the high school, but any RIF at that building would cause ripple effects at other buildings due to seniority. Some progress was made by showing that certain positions could NOT be eliminated because of the necessity of offering certain courses. However, much work remains to be done.

No definite decisions have been made; no teachers have been named to be RIFed. The Board team did assure the Association team that NO ACTION WOULD BE TAKEN AT WEDNESDAY NIGHT'S REGULAR BOARD MEETING.

The next bargaining session has been scheduled for Monday, March 20, 2000.