Cairo Association of Teachers - Newsletter

CAT Tracks for April 25, 2000

Many of you have been wondering and worrying about the new recertification process which became law as of February 15, 2000. This is especially true for the 26 CSD #1 certified employees whose current certificates expire this June 30th. I am being asked more and more questions like "What am I supposed to do?" as the deadline approaches. You can stop have not missed a thing! Unfortunately, the process has still NOT been completed, although it is taking "final" in what we will do first. (As we have "learned" from the "learning standards", there is no "final" anything!) .

(Both the IEA and the Regional Office of Education are saying that professional development activities--e.g. workshops and college classes--that you complete this summer after June 30th can probably be included retroactively in your Certificate Renewal Plan (CRP). REMINDER: This applies ONLY to teachers whose certificate expires on June 30, 2000. Teachers whose certificate does not expire until 2001 or 2002 cannot do anything at this time that will count toward certificate renewal.)

Most districts--including CSD #1--have NOT yet established their Local Professional Development Committee (LPDC)--the committee which will approve/disapprove YOUR certificate renewal plan. Yesterday, I sent a letter to Dr. Isom indicating that the District administration and the Association need to meet to explore the formation of the LPDC(s) and the guidelines that will be followed.

As most of you are aware, the new recertification process began as the latest attack on tenure. Seeing the inevitability of change, the IEA worked hard to gain control of the process--that teachers would play the major (controlling) role in recertification. Due to the IEA's efforts, teachers are GUARANTEED BY LAW to be the majority on each LPDC. The LPDC cannot even hold a meeting if teachers do not constitute a majority of those present. WE, in turn, must take this charge seriously and exercise this control. It will mean a lot of work for ALL of us--especially the individuals who serve on the LPDC(s). However, without recertification, you cannot do the things that you might consider "more important"!

With this in mind . . . CAT ELECTION

It is time for the election of officers for the 2000-2001 School Year. Current officers are Ron Newell (President), Deborah Hammel (Vice President), Ledora Beard (Treasurer), and Karla Patton (Secretary). I want to personally thank Deborah, Ledora, and Karla for serving in this capacity--FOR YEARS! (smile) It is important for ALL BUILDINGS to be represented in the CAT leadership. THIS NEEDS TO CONTINUE!!! The recertification process affects one and all...participation by and input from everyone is essential. YOU will be directly affected.

"Back in the day..." the CAT had an "Executive Committee" made up of officers and building representatives who regularly met and decided the day-to-day operations of the Association. It needs to be reborn! Accordingly, I would propose that each building officially elect a building representative (BR) this year. (This person could also be an officer, but we need additional involvement due to the gravity of decisions that will be made in the near future.) If you would be interested in serving as an Association officer or as a BR, please notify Debora, Ledora, Karla, or Ron by Tuesday, May 2nd. Ballots will be prepared and the election will be held on Tuesday, May 16, 2000.

REMEMBER: Renewal of YOUR TEACHING CERTIFICATE will rest with the Local Professional Development Committee! YOU can choose to be involved in the process, or YOU can leave it to others. It's YOUR CHOICE!