CAT Tracks for October 4, 2010

...occurred at approximately 5 a.m.

Fortunately, I was sitting fully clothed at the computer at the time, so my neighborhood was spared the naked truth...

The tempest in the teapot of last week...the political controversy over an off-hand comment by yours truly in CAT Tracks.

On a slow news day...make that a NO NEWS idle paws (the Devil's tools?) did "Google" Republican Candidate for Illinois Governor Bill Brady.

I clicked on the Bill Brady link for ""...the online encyclopedia.

WHOA! there, Ron...


After last week, I'd better STOP...and provide a big ol' DISCLAIMER...a "WHOA! Moment" before I get to my "EUREKA! Moment".

Wikipedia IS touted as an online encyclopedia. In fact, it is my source of choice on people, places, or events of interest. However, it is my understanding that this "encyclopedia" is written by volunteers and is NOT NECESSARILY ACCURATE.

So the "political position" below may or may not be the actual position of Bill Brady.

(EXTRA NOTE: The reason I "Googled" was that I had already visited the official Bill Brady For Governor website and there was no link showing his positions on education.)

Anyway, here is what prompted my "Ah-Ha! Moment" (figure that's "Eureka!" while fully clothed and remaining at the computer instead of running down the street.)

I have seen the light...

Bill Brady is a "prayer-in-public-schools" advocate...sees himself as doing "God's Work". Needless to say, he would take offense to me labeling him "The Anti-Christ" for his other views toward education and teachers and teachers' pensions!

My bad!

My fellow Illinoisans...

Come November 2nd...VOTE!

NOT for Bill Brady...even though he is apparently a man of God. (Since his position on the pensions of teachers who are already retired and can't choose to unretire strikes terror in my heart, I'd be inclined to label him a terrorist...but, since Republicans have already usurped that label for public school teachers and their unions, well, I guess I'm at a loss for labels. Just say "NO" to Brady Bunch!)

NOT for a third-party candidate...who will not win.

VOTE for Sheila Simon's running mate!


Went back to the Brady Web Site...

Found this:

Since I was so dutiful in returning to the Brady Web Site and so honest in reporting my faux pas, I feel entitled to an addendum from Wikipedia:

Had to chuckle...

I mean...couldn't Bill Brady find someone else to run with him???

Oh, wait...a John McCain/Sarah Palin flashback!

I get it...

He picked "Jason...the Plummer".

Probably Joe, the plumber's son!

I am Ron Newell. Since I own this website and write all the articles without any authorization from the Cairo Association of Teachers or the Illinois Education Association or the National Education Association...well, I guess I must approve this message!

The views expressed above are NOT the official position of the Cairo Association of Teachers-IEA-NEA.