Cairo Association of Teachers - Contract


A grievance is defined as a complaint by an employee that there has been an alleged violation of the terms of this Agreement. No employee may initiate a grievance after fifteen (15) work days following the alleged violation of the Agreement.

Step One

The grievant should attempt to resolve the grievance informally with his/her immediate supervisor. The immediate supervisor shall arrange an informal meeting within five (5) days after receipt of the grievance form. The purpose of the meeting should be to describe the problem including the events that took place and the resolution sought. Within five (5) days of the informal meeting, the immediate supervisor will issue a written response. If the grievance cannot be resolved informally, the grievant may within five (5) work days of receipt of the written response request that the grievance proceed to Step Two.

Step Two

The superintendent shall arrange a meeting within five (5) work days after receipt of the request. The grievant shall explain the grievance and may have a representative to assist in developing an understanding of the problem. The superintendent shall issue a written response within five (5) work days after the meeting.

Step Three

If the Association is not satisfied with the response of the superintendent at Step Two, the Association may within twenty-five (25) work days file with the AAA to resolve the issue through binding and final arbitration on the parties. The grievant shall not suffer any loss of pay for attendance at the arbitration hearing.


The rules of said arbitration shall be conducted under the Voluntary Rules of the American Arbitration Association (AAA).


The costs of the arbitration itself (inclusive of the arbitrator's fees and expenses) shall be borne equally between the parties. Each party shall be responsible for any costs attributable to its own representation.

Meeting Time

Meeting times in Step One and Two shall be determined by mutual agreement of the grievant and the appropriate supervisor.

Class Grievance

Class grievances involving one or more employees or one or more supervisors, and grievances involving an administrator above the building level may be initially filed by the Association at Step Two.

Grievance Withdrawal

A grievance may be withdrawn at any level without establishing precedent.