CAT Tracks for February 3, 2024

Looking back at the 2022-2023 School Year - aka Fiscal Year 2023 (FY23) - in Cairo, Century*, Egyptian, and Meridian. (*Century was not published in Monday's Pub this year.)

As is indicated in the fine print of the "exhibits" provided below, every public school district in Illinois is required to prepare an "Annual Statement of Affairs Summary", make it available for public inspection in the district administrative office by December 1st, and publish it in the local newspaper. (This annual edition is later than usual because Cairo did not publish in "The Pub" until January 15th.)

If it's controversy and catty commentary you want, then venture to the archives for a replay of the corresponding editions from previous years.

For your viewing convenience, I have provided links to the most recent:

As with recent years, I have only published the "Annual Statement of Affairs Summary"...

...dispensing with the "Salary Schedule of Gross Payments for Certificated and Non-certificated Personnel" and the "Payments to Person, Firm, or Corporation Over $2,500."

Those annual statement of affairs summaries follow:

(Century not available.)


The "Educational Fund" is the driving fund in school finance.

Once again, Cairo's Ed fund exceeded Century(?), Egyptian, and Meridian individually, but not totally.


...I've said it before and I'll say it again: "In local school finances, CSD #1 is, well, still #1."