CAT Tracks for August 8, 2024

The Cairo Board of Education held a Special Meeting on Thursday, August 8th, at 6:00 p.m.

The notice and agenda are immediately below...

...followed by the CAT President's report:

CAT President's Report:

Called to order at 6:00 p.m.

Members present: Coleman, Nelson, Tarver, Stubblefield, Matthews, and Taylor. Also present was Interim Superintendent Ferrell.

Item 2: No one present to address the board.

The BOE voted to enter closed session at 6:05 p.m.

The BOE voted to exit closed session at 7:25 p.m.

The BOE took the following actions:

    Item 1) - Lanaya Nelson resignation.

    Item 2) - Claude Armstrong resignation

    Item 3) - Ronnie Woods hired

    Item 4) - Faye Howard hired

    Item 5) - Tanner Calvert hired

    Item 6) - Sharon Neely hired

    Item 7) - Pam Carlton hired as permanent sub

    Item 8) - Regina Brown hired

    Item 9) - Jane Busby hired

    Item 10) - Delbert Irish hired

    Item 11) - Germaine Wright hired

    Item 12) - Melvin Duncan Jr hired

    Item 13) - Emily Dover hired

    Item 14) - Valerie Hall hired

The BOE voted to adjourn at 7:45 p.m.